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uld also block binding to the recP12 bait. Neither anti-recP12 nor antirecP41 had the capacity to destabilise the formed recP12-recP41 complex. recP12 or recP41 prey was presented to its respective bait, prior to the addition of varying concentration of anti-recP12 or anti-recP41, respectively to the formed complex. No decrease in absorbance was observed. All experiments were performed in triplicate; error bar = SD. Acknowledgments We thank the Australian Red Cross Blood Bank for the provision of human blood and serum, Jacobus Pharmaceuticals for providing WR99120. This work was supported by the NHMRC of Australia and through Victorian State Government Operational Infrastructure Support and Australian Government NHMRC IRIISS to the Burnet Institute and to the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. We would like to acknowledge Monash Micro Imaging and the Burnet Cell Imaging Facility for technical support. We also thank Brian McDade for technical help. Biochemical and Functional Analysis of P12 and P41 Pediatric tumors of the central nervous system are the leading cause of cancer-related mortality in children. Among those tumors, medulloblastomas are the most prevalent malignant pediatric brain tumors. With stratification into different risks groups taken into Gynostemma Extract manufacturer account, overall survival for patients with medulloblastoma has remained at 70%80% for approximately 20 years. This survival rate comes at significant cognitive, behavioral, and general physical cost to the surviving patients, as the developmental sequelae are often devastating. Clearly, we need a better understanding of the biology of these tumors, and while great efforts have gone into the molecular genetics of medulloblastomas, one area that remains completely unstudied is that of medulloblastoma PubMed ID: exosomes. Exosomes are exocytically-released 30100 nm diameter membrane-enclosed vesicles derived from the endosomal system during multivesicular body formation. MVBs and their contents are often degraded by lysosomes; however, some MVBs fuse with the plasma membrane, releasing their interior vesicular contents into the extracellular space, and these vesicles are then called exosomes. Exosome release and trafficking has implications for extracellular signaling, deportation of toxic substances including chemotherapeutic agents, viral passage, and horizontal mRNA/microRNA transfer. Exosomes may increase tumor proliferation, play roles in the generation of pre-metastatic niches, and have divergent effects on the immune response. For medulloblastomas in particular, their migratory behavior is a poor prognostic indicator with dissemination leading to meningeal spread and tumor cell proliferation. In addition, the patients may also display reduced immune responses. These are all factors that may be related to tumor-derived exosomes, including those found in serum; thus, any improvement in our understanding of the complicated activities of these extracellular vesicles may lead to clues about targeting the vital biology of exosomes. In this report we show that medulloblastoma cell lines produce exosomes with physical and biochemical characteristics similar to Functional Roles of Medulloblastoma Exosomes those of other brain tumor exosomes. In novel studies for medulloblastoma exosomes we reveal proteomic results that again are consistent with our previous work but we extend those findings to suggest areas of particular functional relevance. We show in those functional studies that

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