lot analysis of proteins from cells transfected with 0.5 mg of pSG5-HA-CARM1 or pSG5-GRIP1/FL plasmid or non-transfected cells, incubated with antibodies to CARM1, GRIP1 and b-actin. The 20685848 HAtagged CARM1 migrates slightly higher in the gel than endogenous CARM1. Cells transfected with pSG5-HA-CARM1 at the indicated concentrations or pSG5-HA-EMPTY at 1.5 mg and treated for 2 hours with 5 nM Dex68 mM iAs. SGK mRNA was measured by RT-qPCR corrected for actin mRNA. The values indicated on the y-axis are RTqPCR Units. Experimental points are in triplicate and the experiment was repeated twice. pSG5-GRIP1/FL or Empty vector was overexpressed in cells at the concentrations indicated and SGK mRNA was measured by RT-qPCR and analyzed as in. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0006766.g006 are recruited to GR and other steroid receptor-activated promoters. Interestingly, BRG1 and CARM1 have been co-purified in a complex, Nucleosomal Methylation Activator Complex on an ER-target gene where they physically interact with each other. Furthermore, binding of BRG1 to the late myogenic gene promoters is facilitated by CARM1. If CARM1 is not present, BRG1 is not found at these promoters. Data presented here show that at the MMTV promoter there is decreased chromatin remodeling in the presence of iAs and CARM1 is not present at the promoter. These data suggest that BRG1 or another ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling factor may not be associated with the promoter. How iAs inhibits chromatin remodeling at the MMTV promoter is 718630-59-2 cost currently under investigation. Coactivator interactions GRIP1 was found at NucB on the MMTV promoter following Dex + iAs treatment but CARM1 was not which suggested that iAs may inhibit transcription by disrupting the CARM1-GRIP1 interaction. Furthermore, in a sequential ChIP assay in which GRIP1 was first immunoprecipitated followed by CARM1, the GRIP1-CARM1 interaction was disrupted by iAs. Additionally, over-expression of CARM1 restored iAs-repressed transcription, Together these data strongly suggest that CARM1 is a likely iAs target in the cell. GRIP1 was at the promoter in cells treated with iAs, and over-expression was able to partially restore transcription. Thus we cannot eliminate the possibility that GRIP1 is a target for iAs. A problem we encountered in the GRIP1 over-expression experiments was that we could achieve only small increases in GRIP1 protein by over-expression despite seeing significant increases in GRIP1 mRNA. All three of the p160 coactivator proteins are regulated by phosphorylation-dependent ubiquitin-proteasomal pathways which is likely why there is a limited amount of GRIP1 protein over-expression relative to the increase in mRNA in these cells. Because GRIP1 is at the promoter in the presence of iAs and it interacts with the MMTV promoter via GR, the GR-GRIP1 interaction must be intact. An effect of 20550119 GRIP1 over-expression on transcription would also depend on the stability of the GR-GRIP1 interaction. If the interaction is very stable and there is little turnover, then GRIP1 over-expression may not be effective in replacing the GRIP1 already there. This could account for the very small increase in transcription when GRIP1 is over-expressed and leaves open the possibility that GRIP1 is an iAs target. The GRIP1-CARM1 interaction domain on either protein may be a target for iAs resulting in CARM1 dissociation from GRIP1, or alternatively, another protein that stabilizes the CARM1GRIP1 interaction could be an iAs target. Th