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ontributed to the observed locomotor phenotype. Nevertheless, we did not observe any Migration assays To measure the outward migration of cells from the core of the CbA microexplants, we employed a method that was originally described by Chou et al. . Briefly, the border of the microexplant was outlined and the average distance migrated by Pax62/Ccnd1+, Pax6+/Ccnd1+ and Pax6+/ Ccnd12 cells from the border on one side of the microexplant was measured using the Neurolucida 6 and Neurolucida Explorer software. The distribution of migrating cells was categorized in 50-mm bins using the following FGFR2 in Bergmann Glia Development obvious alterations in the ventral mid-/hindbrain region of the Fgfr2 cKO mice, and dopaminergic, noradrenergic, serotonergic and cholinergic neurons located in this region appeared unaffected by the ablation of Fgfr2 in their progenitors. A detailed histological analysis of 25 adult Fgfr2 cKO cerebella revealed that the cellular architecture of 12695532 the cerebellum, particularly in the anterior lobules, was severely disrupted in 15 mutants and was less severely affected in 8 of the mutant mice. In the less severely affected mutant cerebella, Calbindin-expressing PCs were misaligned in the presumptive PCL and some PCs were located within the GL, whereas Calretinin-expressing GCs intermingled with the Calb1+ PCs and occupied the gaps devoid of PCs in the PCL. By contrast, the PCL and GL were completely disrupted in the severely affected Fgfr2 cKO cerebella, and clusters of Calb1+ PCs were surrounded by Calb2+ GCs in these mice. Because of these strong morphological and cellular alterations in the severely affected Fgfr2 cKO cerebella, we subsequently analyzed only the less severely affected specimens. In these mutant mice, the numbers of S100b+ BG cells appeared to be reduced in the anterior lobuli, several S100b+ BG cell bodies were ectopically located in the ML, and the Gfap+ radial fibers of the BG cells did not reach the pial surface of the adult Fgfr2 cKO cerebellum. We thus concluded that the inactivation of Fgfr2 in neural progenitors of the developing mouse cerebellum leads to locomotor deficits and the disruption of the normal cellular organization and layering of the adult cerebellum at a variable penetrance. Because a similar albeit stronger postnatal cerebellar phenotype has been reported by Lin et al. in Fgfr1/Fgfr2 double mutant mice generated with the same Dipraglurant web conditional mutagenesis approach, we focused our subsequent analyses on the relative contribution of FGFR2 signaling to the developmental defects underlying these phenotypes. Localized expression of Fgfr2 in the developing mouse CbA Using a sensitive radioactive ISH method, we first assessed the wild-type expression pattern of Fgfr2 in relation to Fgfr1 and Fgfr3, two other FGFRs expressed during prenatal development in the murine MHR. Fgfr2 is transcribed strongly in the ChPl and weakly in the VZ of the dorsal midbrain and in the overlying mesenchyme, but not within the CbA of the E14.5 mouse embryo. At E16.5, Fgfr2 is expressed in single cells that appear to delaminate from the cerebellar VZ 23742272 and to migrate towards the cerebellar cortex, because several Fgfr2-expressing cells have already accumulated in the prospective PCL. At this stage, Fgfr2 is also expressed strongly in the ChPl and in the VZ of the dorsal midbrain, and weakly in the overlying FGFR2 in Bergmann Glia Development mesenchyme of the MHR. At E18.5, strongest expression of Fgfr2 is still d

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