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Ominantly occur in pericentromeric regions.Results Cell Lines Immortalized by Expression of HPV16 E6E7 and hTERT Preferentially 194423-15-9 biological activity Exhibited Persistent de novo Pericentromeric AberrationsTwo esophageal and two cervical epithelial cell lines coexpressing HPV16 E6E7 and hTERT were examined in this study. The ectopic expression of hTERT was to ensure that telomere shortening would not be a confounding factor in causing genomic instability. The two cervical epithelial cell lines, NC104E6E7hTERT and NC105-E6E7hTERT, were previously established in our laboratory [29]. The two esophageal epithelial cell lines, NE1-E6E7hTERT and NE2-E6E7hTERT, were recently established from primary cells in our laboratory, and were of the same cell origins as the previously reported NE1-E6E7 [30] and NE2-hTERT [32], respectively. To analyze structural chromosome abnormalities in whole-genome, we performed telomere fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) followed by spectral karyotyping (SKY) in combination with 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) banding. Telomere FISH enabled us to identify deCentromeric Instability after Replication StressFigure 1. Examples of de novo centromeric breaks. Centromeric regions were identified by the centromeric constrictions, dark DAPI staining and purchase Human parathyroid hormone-(1-34) pan-centromere FISH (green). Note that there is no telomere signal at the deleted sites indicated by arrows. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048576.gPericentromeric Aberrations were Predominant in Successive Generations of HPV16 E6E7-hTERT-expressing Cells After Release from Replication StressLittle information is available from the literature on the fate of chromosomal loci affected by replication stress in successive cell generations after release from replication stress. We next analyzed the chromosome aberrations 72 h after release from APHtreatment. Surprisingly, pericentromeric non-clonal aberrations then became the predominant type of aberrations (Figure 3A). Those pericentromeric aberrations were mainly chromosomal type including pericentromeric deletion, breaks, translocations, and dicentrics involving rearrangement in pericentromeric regions (exemplified in Figure 3B). When compared with the frequencies of pericentromeric aberrations (chromatid breaks) at the end ofCentromeric Instability after Replication StressFigure 2. Chromatid breaks induced by APH treatment. A: Frequencies of chromatid breaks measured at the end of APH (+) or DMSO (2) treatment. P#0.05 for all frequencies after APH treament compared with DMSO-treated cells. B: Examples of chromatid breaks (indicated by arrows). The upper panel shows non-pericentromeric chromatid breaks in fragile sites. The lower panel shows pericentromeric chromatid breaks. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048576.gAPH treatment, the frequencies of pericentromeric chromosomal type aberrations 72 h after removal of APH treatment showed only slight declines (P.0.05 for each cell line). In contrast, the frequencies of non-pericentromeric chromosomal aberrations 72 h after removal of APH were dramatically decreased when compared with the frequencies 16574785 of non-pericentromeric chromatid breaks at the end of APH treatment (P,0.05 for each cell line). This indicated that most of the earlier replication-stress-induced chromatid breaks at non-pericentromeric chromosome fragile sites were rapidly repaired by end-joining of the same chromatids, leaving little chance for further rearrangement with other chromosomes. In contrast, it appeared that pericentromeric ch.Ominantly occur in pericentromeric regions.Results Cell Lines Immortalized by Expression of HPV16 E6E7 and hTERT Preferentially Exhibited Persistent de novo Pericentromeric AberrationsTwo esophageal and two cervical epithelial cell lines coexpressing HPV16 E6E7 and hTERT were examined in this study. The ectopic expression of hTERT was to ensure that telomere shortening would not be a confounding factor in causing genomic instability. The two cervical epithelial cell lines, NC104E6E7hTERT and NC105-E6E7hTERT, were previously established in our laboratory [29]. The two esophageal epithelial cell lines, NE1-E6E7hTERT and NE2-E6E7hTERT, were recently established from primary cells in our laboratory, and were of the same cell origins as the previously reported NE1-E6E7 [30] and NE2-hTERT [32], respectively. To analyze structural chromosome abnormalities in whole-genome, we performed telomere fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) followed by spectral karyotyping (SKY) in combination with 49,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) banding. Telomere FISH enabled us to identify deCentromeric Instability after Replication StressFigure 1. Examples of de novo centromeric breaks. Centromeric regions were identified by the centromeric constrictions, dark DAPI staining and pan-centromere FISH (green). Note that there is no telomere signal at the deleted sites indicated by arrows. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048576.gPericentromeric Aberrations were Predominant in Successive Generations of HPV16 E6E7-hTERT-expressing Cells After Release from Replication StressLittle information is available from the literature on the fate of chromosomal loci affected by replication stress in successive cell generations after release from replication stress. We next analyzed the chromosome aberrations 72 h after release from APHtreatment. Surprisingly, pericentromeric non-clonal aberrations then became the predominant type of aberrations (Figure 3A). Those pericentromeric aberrations were mainly chromosomal type including pericentromeric deletion, breaks, translocations, and dicentrics involving rearrangement in pericentromeric regions (exemplified in Figure 3B). When compared with the frequencies of pericentromeric aberrations (chromatid breaks) at the end ofCentromeric Instability after Replication StressFigure 2. Chromatid breaks induced by APH treatment. A: Frequencies of chromatid breaks measured at the end of APH (+) or DMSO (2) treatment. P#0.05 for all frequencies after APH treament compared with DMSO-treated cells. B: Examples of chromatid breaks (indicated by arrows). The upper panel shows non-pericentromeric chromatid breaks in fragile sites. The lower panel shows pericentromeric chromatid breaks. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048576.gAPH treatment, the frequencies of pericentromeric chromosomal type aberrations 72 h after removal of APH treatment showed only slight declines (P.0.05 for each cell line). In contrast, the frequencies of non-pericentromeric chromosomal aberrations 72 h after removal of APH were dramatically decreased when compared with the frequencies 16574785 of non-pericentromeric chromatid breaks at the end of APH treatment (P,0.05 for each cell line). This indicated that most of the earlier replication-stress-induced chromatid breaks at non-pericentromeric chromosome fragile sites were rapidly repaired by end-joining of the same chromatids, leaving little chance for further rearrangement with other chromosomes. In contrast, it appeared that pericentromeric ch.

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