Dress the complexity of biological systems include things like differential equations (ODEs, PDEs etc.), graph Theory primarily based formalisms (Bayesian, Logical) and fuzzy systems (De Jong, 2002). Mathematical approaches areKhalid et al. (2016), PeerJ, DOI ten.7717/peerj.4/Figure 2 Function Flow Diagram presenting the structure and organization with the study. (A) Inference of biological observations of signaling pathways from literature survey (B) building of interactions of proteins inside the metastasis of Breast cancer (C) application of reduction method to obtain Biological Regulatory Network (BRN) (D) parameter synthesis by using model checking approach, computational tree logic (CTL) (E) evaluation on the technique dynamics (F) conversion on the BRN into continuous Hybrid Petri Net (HPN) (G) for simulations evaluation of time-dependent dynamics.difficult to model the complexity of non-linear dynamics of biological systems resulting from uncommon availability of technique specific kinetic measures derived from expression data of biological entities. Around the contrary, approaches determined by Graph Theory permit to model the complexity of biological systems. The methodology for the current study is presented in Fig. 2 and explained beneath.Kinetic Logic FormalismThe kinetic logic formalism of Biological Regulatory Network (BRN) was introduced by Thomas (1973) to prove the effectiveness of discrete activity threshold levels in Drinabant In Vitro theKhalid et al. (2016), PeerJ, DOI ten.7717/peerj.5/analysis of the BRN as equivalent towards the respective differential equations from the method (Thieffry Thomas, 1995; Thomas, 1973; Thomas, 1981; Thomas, 2013; Thomas, Gathoye Lambert, 1976). This process utilizes computational tree logic (CTL) formalism (Clarke, Grumberg Peled, 1999) to detect the appropriate logical parameters which could be selected through a model checker (Choice of Model of Biological Network) SMBioNet computer software (Bernot et al., 2004; Khalis et al., 2009; Richard, Comet Bernot, 2006; Richard et al., 2012). These chosen parameters of discrete model are abstracted from biological observations and are applied via the software, GENOTECH, to generate an asynchronous state graph (Bernot et al., 2004). A BRN consists of nodes and edges of each biological entity and transitions among them. All of the nodes are connected with edges (directed arrows) representing the activation and inhibition of node (Ahmad et al., 2012; Thomas, 1998). A dynamical network is applied to identify the behavior and characterization of environmental and genetic changes within the signaling network (Thomas, 1998; Thomas Kaufman, 2001a; Thomas, Thieffry Kaufman, 1995).Semantics of your RenThomas formalism The semantics of your RenThomas formalism have been adapted from (Ahmad et al., 2006; Ahmad et al., 2012; Aslam et al., 2014) and are described below.Definition 1 (Directed Graph). A directed graph is represented as G = (N ,ED), where the set of all the entities are represented by nodes, N , along with the set of all probable transitions D-Tyrosine In Vivo amongst entities are represented by ED N . G- (n) and G+ (n) represent the set of predecessors and successors nodes of a node, n N , respectively (directed from n1 to n2). Definition 2 (BRN). A BRN is a type of labeled directed graph G = (N ,ED), representing the biological entities (genes, proteins, metabolites and so on.) and the interactions amongst these entities. In a directed BRN graph every edge is pointed from tail na to head nb of an edge. 1. A pair (jnanb ,nanb ) is employed as a label for each edg.