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Om nonautonomous or dead copies. As soon as a new element appears in a naive genome, it has to face a new challenge since there is PubMed ID: generally a single copy, in a single individual, in a single population. To avoid being lost, this copy must invade the population and the genome. The transposition rate estimated from several natural populations, laboratory strains and for several types of elements is about 10-4 transpositions/copy/generation. If we apply this rate to a newly arriving copy, this copy would almost systematically be lost. Therefore, two scenarios for a get Oxaliplatin successful invasion have been proposed. First, either a high rate of new elements arriving by HT or recombination, or a high transposition rate of the initial copy i.e. close to 10 -1 or 1, according to the model prediction [236]. Of course, such a transposition rate cannot be maintained for long without risk to the population. Therefore, regulation of the transposition rate can be expected to occur rapidly. This could result from self-regulation by the TE or host regulation [203]. After the successful initial invasion of the genome and of the population, it becomes difficult to lose anHua-Van et al. Biology Direct 2011, 6:19 17 ofAverage number of individualsAverage number of predatorselement. Thus, it is important to follow the TE dynamics both in the genome and in the species. In most of the models published in the 1980s and 1990s, it was assumed that the copy number of an element had to reach an equilibrium (see [201]). However, most of these models failed to take the impact of mutation on TE activity into consideration. When this effect was included in the model, it could be shown that it is almost impossible to reach a long-term equilibrium, and several dynamic outcomes can be observed, including the loss of the active or trans-mobilizable copies, or the domestication of a copy.TE competition and the ecology of the genomeAverage number of non-autonomous copiesAverage number of copiesAutonomous Non-autonomous0Average number of autonomous copiesTime (generations)Prey PredatorWith the exception of a few species, a genome does not normally contain only one type of TE. For a given family, several types of copies with differing levels of activity can be detected, including inactive copies. This is clearly demonstrated by analyses of a large number of genomes involved in sequencing projects. Since this situation is observed for almost all TEs, several questions arise: Is there any competition between different families, or between different types within the same family? Can an equilibrium resembling an Evolutionary Stable Strategy (ESS) be reached by these TEs in a genome? Can we apply models of population biology to the dynamics of TEs in a genome? In the last few years, it has been assumed that the genome can be viewed as an ecosystem in which TE copies are considered as individual members of a species [202,237,238]. In such an analogy, autonomous and nonautonomous copies of the same family are competing entities rather than belonging to the same “species”. In any case, the resources are produced by autonomous or truncated copies that have kept an intact ORF. These resources correspond to the transposition machinery like the transposase for the Class II elements, and can be used both by autonomous copies and by transmobilizable non-autonomous ones. Simulations and analytic models both provided TE cyclic dynamics due to the competi.

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