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Section to obtain pictures of the whole cortex and hippocampus. Images were merged in Photoshop and subjected to threshold analysis using the max entropy threshold algorithm in NIH ImageJ (V1.46, http://rsbweb.nih. gov/ij/). The percent area occupied by 6E10 or Congo red of the cortex and hippocampus was calculated and analyzed. In addition to the percent area of 6E10, the total number and average size of 6E10 positive Potassium clavulanate biological activity plaques was obtained using this threshold algorithm. The percent area occupied by GFAP was calculated for cortex only. Values obtained for male mice were analyzed with a one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post test comparing the different doses. Values for female mice were analyzed with a Student’s ttest. Microglial activation was analyzed by capturing images at 40x magnification. Images were taken of Congo red stained dense plaques. The images were transferred to NIH ImageJ and the three color channels comprising CD68, Iba-1, and Congo red were separated and viewed individually. A 500 pixel total area circle was placed in the center of each plaque. In total, 6 CongoIrradiationRadiation exposures were performed at NASA’s Space Radiation Laboratory at BNL. Animals were loaded into ventilated 50 mL polystyrene conical tubes and irradiated, 8 at a time, using a foam tube holder positioned at the center of a 20620 cm beam of iron ions accelerated to 1 GeV/m at a dose rate ranging from 0.1? Gy/min. Male mice received total doses of either 10 cGy or 100 cGy. Female mice received only a 100 cGy dose. Control mice were similarly placed in tubes and sham irradiated.Behavioral TestingMemory was tested using two different paradigms. The first was contextual fear conditioning, which tests the ability of the subject to recognize an environment associated with an adverse stimulus (foot shock). Fear conditioning was set up, performed, and analyzed as previously described [25]. In brief, mice were allowed to explore a novel chamber for 3 minutes, then 15 s of white noise (80 dB) was presented and co-terminated with a 2 s, 0.7 mA foot shock. This noise-shock paring was repeated twice for a total of 3 shocks, using an interval of 30 s between shocks. Twenty-fourSpace Radiation Promotes Alzheimer Pathologyred-positive plaques in each of two hippocampal sections were analyzed and averaged together for 23727046 each mouse. Using the max entropy threshold algorithm we calculated the percent area inside the 500 pixel circle occupied by CD68, Iba1, and Congo red. Prism v5 (Graphpad Software) was used for all statistical analyses. A value of p , 0.05 was considered significant.Protein QuantificationWestern blot and ELISA protein samples were prepared as previously described [16,27]. Briefly, half brains were homogenized then sonicated in 1 mL of T-per (Pierce) and protease inhibitor K162 cocktail set I (Calbiochem). 100 mL of homogenized sample was removed and stored at 280uC for Western blot. Remaining samples were centrifuged at 100,000g for 60 minutes. Supernatants (soluble fraction) were removed and the pellet was resuspended in 150 mg/mL Guanidinium HCL pH 8.0 followed by recentrifugation at 100,000g to generate an insoluble fraction. Soluble and insoluble Ab isoforms were assayed using Invitrogen ELISA kits for Ab42 and Ab40 (#KHB3544 and #KHB3841, respectively). T-per soluble fractions were also used for TNFa ELISA (#KMC3011). Protein concentrations for Western blot samples were measured with a Micro BCA protein assay (Thermo Scientific). 15 mg of pro.Section to obtain pictures of the whole cortex and hippocampus. Images were merged in Photoshop and subjected to threshold analysis using the max entropy threshold algorithm in NIH ImageJ (V1.46, http://rsbweb.nih. gov/ij/). The percent area occupied by 6E10 or Congo red of the cortex and hippocampus was calculated and analyzed. In addition to the percent area of 6E10, the total number and average size of 6E10 positive plaques was obtained using this threshold algorithm. The percent area occupied by GFAP was calculated for cortex only. Values obtained for male mice were analyzed with a one-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni post test comparing the different doses. Values for female mice were analyzed with a Student’s ttest. Microglial activation was analyzed by capturing images at 40x magnification. Images were taken of Congo red stained dense plaques. The images were transferred to NIH ImageJ and the three color channels comprising CD68, Iba-1, and Congo red were separated and viewed individually. A 500 pixel total area circle was placed in the center of each plaque. In total, 6 CongoIrradiationRadiation exposures were performed at NASA’s Space Radiation Laboratory at BNL. Animals were loaded into ventilated 50 mL polystyrene conical tubes and irradiated, 8 at a time, using a foam tube holder positioned at the center of a 20620 cm beam of iron ions accelerated to 1 GeV/m at a dose rate ranging from 0.1? Gy/min. Male mice received total doses of either 10 cGy or 100 cGy. Female mice received only a 100 cGy dose. Control mice were similarly placed in tubes and sham irradiated.Behavioral TestingMemory was tested using two different paradigms. The first was contextual fear conditioning, which tests the ability of the subject to recognize an environment associated with an adverse stimulus (foot shock). Fear conditioning was set up, performed, and analyzed as previously described [25]. In brief, mice were allowed to explore a novel chamber for 3 minutes, then 15 s of white noise (80 dB) was presented and co-terminated with a 2 s, 0.7 mA foot shock. This noise-shock paring was repeated twice for a total of 3 shocks, using an interval of 30 s between shocks. Twenty-fourSpace Radiation Promotes Alzheimer Pathologyred-positive plaques in each of two hippocampal sections were analyzed and averaged together for 23727046 each mouse. Using the max entropy threshold algorithm we calculated the percent area inside the 500 pixel circle occupied by CD68, Iba1, and Congo red. Prism v5 (Graphpad Software) was used for all statistical analyses. A value of p , 0.05 was considered significant.Protein QuantificationWestern blot and ELISA protein samples were prepared as previously described [16,27]. Briefly, half brains were homogenized then sonicated in 1 mL of T-per (Pierce) and protease inhibitor cocktail set I (Calbiochem). 100 mL of homogenized sample was removed and stored at 280uC for Western blot. Remaining samples were centrifuged at 100,000g for 60 minutes. Supernatants (soluble fraction) were removed and the pellet was resuspended in 150 mg/mL Guanidinium HCL pH 8.0 followed by recentrifugation at 100,000g to generate an insoluble fraction. Soluble and insoluble Ab isoforms were assayed using Invitrogen ELISA kits for Ab42 and Ab40 (#KHB3544 and #KHB3841, respectively). T-per soluble fractions were also used for TNFa ELISA (#KMC3011). Protein concentrations for Western blot samples were measured with a Micro BCA protein assay (Thermo Scientific). 15 mg of pro.

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