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ruct a conditional Anxtr2 targeting vector in which a single loxP site was 80321-63-7 inserted within the promoter region of the ANTXR2 gene, a floxed neomycin cassette was inserted within intron 1 for positive selection and a diptheria toxin A cassette was inserted in place of exon 3 for negative selection. The BAC targeting construct was linearized with PI-SCE I, purified by phenol/choloroform extraction and electroporated into 129/SvJ embryonic stem cells by Columbia University’s Herbert Irving Cancer Center Transgenic Mouse Facility. After G418 selection, four hundred ES cell clones were screened by Southern analysis to determine which clones had Isolation of Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts Embryos were collected from the uteri of pregnant mice on gestational day 13.5. The heads and livers were removed and the carcasses were minced and trypsinized. Fibroblasts from the embryos were cultured in DMEM supplemented with 10% FBS and 50 mg/ml penicillin and streptomycin in 5% CO2 Anthrax Toxin Receptor 2 Promotes MMP Activity at 37uC. gDNA isolated from embryo yolk sacs was used for genotyping PCR. Serum Progesterone Measurements Progesterone levels were measured in the sera of mice on gestational days 15.5 and 18.5. Sera were collected from three Antxr2+/+ mice and five Antxr22/2 mice. Blood was drawn via cardiac puncture, allowed to clot at room temperature for 30 minutes and centrifuged to remove red blood cells. The sera were stored at 280uC until time of analysis. Serum progesterone levels were measured using a mouse progesterone ELISA kit following manufacturer instructions. Reverse Transcription PCR Total RNA was isolated from MEFs using the RNeasy kit. First strand cDNA synthesis was performed using random hexamers and Superscript II reverse transcriptase. PCR for mouse -actin and mouse Antxr2 was performed using PCR primers as follows: mouse Antxr2 exon1 Forward 59-CTCTTGCAAAAAAGCCTTCG-39 and Reverse 59-TTCTTTGCCTCGTTCTCTGC39; mouse Antxr2 exon2 Forward 59-GTCTGGCAGTGTAGC-39 and Reverse 59-TTCTTTGCCTCGTTCTCTGC-39; mouse actin Forward 59-CGAGGCCCAGAGCAAGAGAG-39 and Reverse 59-CTCGTAGATGGGCACAGTGTG-39. ANTXR2 Gene Silencing and Cell Surface Receptor Expression Analysis ANTXR2 gene silencing in HUVEC cell lines has been described. Flow cytometry analysis of ANTXR2 expression on the cell surface has been described. Histologic Evaluation of Mouse Tissue Analysis of the parturition defect was conducted using three Antxr2+/+ and seven Antxr22/2 female mice. Reproductive tracts were isolated on GD18.5, fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and routinely processed for embedding in either OCT or paraffin. 5-mm serial sections were stained with H&E and Masson’s Trichrome. See below for immunostaining. Reproductive tracts were isolated from nulliparous Antxr2+/+ and Antxr22/2 mice at age 1 month PubMed ID: to 15 months. At the time of collection, a small portion of each uterine horn was snap frozen in liquid nitrogen for immunoblotting analysis. We analyzed tissue from three animals per genotype for each age group. The tissues were treated as specified above. DNA Constructs ANTXR2-GFP and ANTXR2-vWF constructs have been described. ANTXR1-GFP and ANTXR1-vWF constructs have been described. All of these constructs were engineered into retroviral vector pHyTCX for the experiments described herein. Wild-type MT1-MMP and C-terminally truncated MT1-MMP constructs have been described. Transfections and Gelatin Zymography Gelatin Zymography analysis was performed as previously describ

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