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e present study, we used AAV5-encoded shRNA to generate a knockdown of mTOR gene expression that was confined to DRG neurons. The gene knockdown was selective, long-lasting and segmentally localized. PubMed ID: At 5 weeks following the vector administration, the mTOR protein was reduced to 20% of the control level. To our surprise, mTOR silencing was observed in many more cells than what would have been predicted from the GFP distribution. Significant mTOR reduction was not only observed in large to medium-diameter neurons, but also in various groups of nociceptors, including IB4positive nociceptors, which displayed no detectable GFP. This observation indicates AAV5 was able to transduce most if not all groups of DRG neurons. However, the low expression level of GFP in some neuron populations might have lead to an underestimation of the vector transduction rate. A number of factors could contribute to the expression disparity of GFP. Higher level of GFP expression in large-diameter neurons may result from higher copies of viral genomes present in the cell, subsequently higher rate of transcription and translation. It was reported that the level of GFP mRNA peaked after 1 week following a direct injection of AAV5 into the DRG, while the level of GFP protein kept increasing throughout a 12-week period. It is possible that, within the time frame of our experiment, GFP might not have reached detectable level in nociceptors. For more accurate assessment of viral transduction, other means such as in situ hybridization shall be considered. In previous reports, vector shRNA-mediated knockdown and the expression of a reporter gene usually correlate well in their spatial distribution. However, current results suggest that they should be treated as two separate events which do not necessarily parallel each other. The required level of siRNA to induce RNA interference is likely different from that of GFP mRNA to mediate detectable GFP expression. Moreover, the siRNA was presumably transcribed by RNA polymerase III, which recognizes the U6 promoter. The transcription of GFP mRNA was driven by an RNA polymerase II promoter. It is conceivable that the two types of RNA polymerases work independently and the siRNA and mRNA were produced at different rates. These hypotheses may be addressed in future experiments. Self-complementary AAV vectors bypass the ARN509 web rate-limiting step of second-strand synthesis. This type of AAV is known to mediate faster onset of transgene expression. GFP was detected in retinal pigment epithelium as early as day 1 following trans-cornea sub-retinal injection of a sc-AAV5 vector. Although we did not evaluate GFP expression or mTOR knockdown at such an early stage, we found that at 1 week In Vivo DRG Gene Knockdown Mediated by AAV5 following vector injection, there was strong mTOR downregulation in the target tissues. The results indicate IT AAV-mediate RNAi effects are well within a time frame that is suitable for clinical intervention of diseases. mTOR is reportedly involved in many cellular processes, notably cell replication and differentiation. mTOR inhibitors are currently under development for potential anti-cancer drugs. It is apparent that knocking down mTOR has little effects on the survival of primary sensory neurons, possibly due to the fact that these neurons are terminally differentiated. Transduced DRG neurons exhibited normal, healthy morphology which was comparable to naive tissues, regardless of the level of mTOR expression.

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