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to Induce Apoptosis and Reduce Prostate Cancer Cell Growth During ER stress, unfolded peptides accumulate in the ER and GRP78/BiP plays a pivotal role to adjust protein folding capacity 4 Proapoptotic Action of a GRP78/BiP Peptidic Ligand by activating three signaling pathways . PERK is autophosphorylated leading to the phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eIF2 and protein synthesis shutdown. Phosphorylated eIF2a selectively enhances translation of the transcription factor ATF4 that increases UPR target gene expression such as GRP78/BiP and IRE1a is also autophosphorylated leading to the activation of chaperone synthesis via Xbp1 activation. ATF6 is proteolytically cleaved to take part in the upregulation of expression of UPR target genes. However apoptosis is induced if homoeostasis cannot be established. We therefore determined whether order LY354740 binding of the Bag-1 peptide to GRP78/BiP, the key component of ER stress, affects the signaling pathways of the UPR. We stably PubMed ID: transfected 22Rv.1 prostate cancer cells with a construct coding for an HA-tagged Bag-1 peptide or an empty vector as control and treated the cells with thapsigargin that induces stress by calcium depletion from the ER. In the 22Rv.1 vector control transfected cells, all three arms of the UPR were activated following treatment with thapsigargin. The increase cleavage of ATF6 was not accompanied by a concomitant downregulation of uncleaved ATF6 since thapsigargin enhanced the expression of this gene. This effect was not only observed in 22Rv.1 cells but also seen in LNCaP prostate cancer cells at the protein level. The overexpression of the Bag-1 peptide affected all three arms of this pathway. For example, there was reduced ER stress-induced phosphorylation of PERK and IRE1 for the indicated time points. Cells were lysed and subjected to Western blot analysis using the indicated antibodies or phospho-specific antibodies. B. The Bag-1 peptide sensitizes 22Rv.1 cells to ER-stress induced apoptosis. Pooled clones of 22Rv.1 transfected with the Bag-1 peptide or the empty expression vector were treated with thapsigargin or glucose-starved for 24 h. The cells were lysed and subjected to Western blot analysis using anti-PARP and caspase 4 specific antibodies. Anti-HA antibody was used to detect the HABag-1 peptide. Anti-b-actin antibody was used to demonstrate equal loading of the protein samples. C. GRP78 downregulation increases PARP cleavage. Pooled clones of 22Rv.1 expressing HA-tagged Bag-1 peptide or an empty expression vector were transfected with GRP78/BiP siRNA or control GFP siRNA. The cells were lysed and Western blot was carried out with anti-PARP, anti-GRP78 and anti-HA antibodies. b-actin antibody was used to determine the level of protein loaded on the gel. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0045690.g003 lanes 46). There was also a significant reduction of cleaved ATF6 and an inhibition of the thapsigargin-induced expression of GRP78/BiP. Intriguingly an increase in eIF2a phosphorylation was observed leading to activation of the downstream target ATF4. As PERK is downregulated following overexpression of the Bag-1 peptide, it cannot be the kinase responsible for the increased phosphorylation of eIF2a in the peptide expressing cells. It is likely that another kinase is responsible for the increase phosphorylation of eIF2a Indeed we could show that the upstream kinase, general control nonderepressible 2 is upregulated in the peptide expressing cells. The enhanced phosphorylatio

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