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of three timed urine collections. In the absence of urine, a serum creatinine.2 mg/dl or renal failure was accepted as an alternative diagnostic criterion for overt nephropathy. For the purpose of this report we analyzed urine from matched samples of a) diabetic patients who never developed microalbuminuria or nephropathy after prolonged follow up vs. those with DN and b) patients who developed IMA matched against EDC participants who developed PMA. In the case of the N v DN group we 24900801 collected a single urine sample, while two samples were analyzed from patients who developed microalbuminuria: a urine sample from the last visit which tested negative for albumin and the subsequent sample which was collected 2 years after the first. Matching in the 2 sample sets 11741928 was independently carried out on the basis of age, sex, duration of R-547 site disease and levels of Hemoglobin A1c to account for unmeasured confounders. Statistical Analyses Quantification cycle Cq visualization, signal analysis and normalization. In order to classify individual patient samples and visualize the resemblance in the corresponding profiles we applied Principal Component Analysis to the corrected Cq values obtained from the raw Cq measurements after subtracting the quantification cycle number of the spiked-in control. To handle missing data in the expression of miRNAs across samples we applied a specific variety of PCA, i.e. Probabilistic PCA that combines the Expectation Maximization with PCA to simultaneous estimate missing expression values and the principal components in the dataset. Results of PPCA were plotted as bivariate Urine MicroRNA in T1D scatterplots, in which each principal component is plotted against all others. PPCA calculations were performed with the ��pcaMethods��package in bioconductor. To analyze the difference in miRNA expression within patient groups, we quantified the relative expression level of each miRNA, its normalized threshold cycle difference i.e. the difference 3 Urine MicroRNA in T1D Group A Clinical Classification Normal N of subjects Samples Samples Age Women Duration of Diabetes CAD Stroke PVD Peripheral Neuropathy Proliferative MI, PVD, HgbA1c, LDL-c, ACEi, ARB. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054662.t001 between the quantification cycle in the experimental and the reference state: DCq = Cq Cq, with positive DCq values indicating lower concentrations. To ensure a sufficient amount of data for downstream analyses, only those miRNAs that were detected in at least 2/3 of patient samples in each comparison were analyzed. A mixed effects model was used simultaneously accounting for matching patients within pairs while normalizing DCq values for PCR related factors. Normalization of quantification cycle signals occurred in two steps: first, we developed a regression model that utilized the multiple replicates in the qPCR panels to decompose the corresponding measurements into signal and specific noise factors. Secondly, the difference in the expression level of the spiked in control was used to calibrate relative fold changes by the Delta-Delta method as: FC = 22DDCq, where DDCq = DCq DCq. The parameters of the regression model were estimated from a Bayesian probabilistic viewpoint, a decision justified by the exploratory, hypothesis generating nature of this work and the amenability of the complex mixed models utilized to Bayesian computational methods. In this study we used ��objective”, likelihood-dominated, non-informative priors due to the lack of

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