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t titration by sub-passage led to a more pronounced reduction of C. pecorum EBs in Vero cells than irradiation of C. trachomatis EBs prior to infection of HeLa cells. Transmission electron microscopy HeLa and Vero monolayers were fixed at 43 hpi in 2.5% gultaraldehyde for 1 h and embedded in epoxy resin by routine methods. Further preparation and investigation were performed as described previously. Ultrathin sections were mounted on gold grids, contrasted with uranyl acetate dehydrate and lead citrate. The sections were investigated in a Philips CM10 electron 14757152 microscope. The total number of bacteria in ten inclusions per condition was counted. Additionally, chlamydial bacteria were classified according to their morphology into EBs, IBs, RBs and ABs. Cytokine and chemokine assay Cytokine and chemokine assays were performed three times to investigate the host cell response to irradiation, chlamydial infection and the combination of both, respectively. Following threefold irradiation, 1 mL of supernatant per well was collected 43 hpi and Tonabersat site stored at 280uC until further processing. One supernatant of each experimental group was thawed and then filtered by using a 0.2 mm syringe filter followed by filtration through a 0.1 mm syringe filter to remove all infectious EBs according to published methods. Cytokines and chemokines were measured using ProteomeProfiler antibody arrays. 500 m of filtered supernatant per condition was processed according to manufacturer’s instructions. Signals were detected by ECL and analyzed using Adobe Photoshop CS6. First, the arrays were validated by evaluating the linearity of the internal assay controls determined over time for each condition. The mean pixel density of the positive controls was measured over time using the Adobe Photoshop histogram tool. The area to be measured was defined as 28628 pixels encompassing the entire positive control spot. Subsequently, the mean pixel density of each spot representing cytokines, chemokines, positive and negative controls was analyzed after three minutes of exposure to ECL. The pixel densities of six spots per positive control were averaged and set to 100%. Two spots 14642775 per cytokine or chemokine were averaged and expressed as percentage of the positive control according to published methods. Irradiation of mammalian cells does not induce general and molecular markers of cytotoxicity Next, we evaluated the impact of irradiation dose and duration on two different cell lines to investigate potential cytotoxic side effects due to irradiation. First, cell viability was tested by the Alamar blue assay in the Vero cell line. In these experiments, we irradiated non-infected Vero cells for 20 min at doses ranging from 620 to 3700 W/m2, respectively, and incubated them for 3 h before adding the Alamar blue dye. After another incubation period of 3 h, we monitored the fluorescence to quantify cell viability. Heat-denaturated Vero cells were included within the experiments as controls. The overall cell viability was not affected by irradiation regardless of the exposure intensity, even at the highest achievable dose of 3700 W/m2. Then we investigated irradiated HeLa cells using the Alamar blue assay. Irradiation was applied at a dose of 3700 W/ m2 for 20 min as above and irradiation time was extended to 60 and 240 min. Cell viability was assessed 0, 30 min, 6 h and 24 h after treatment and compared to non-irradiated controls. No significant decrease of cell viability in any of these

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